CAMIS Objectives 2025
Agenda & Minutes
2025 Objectives
- Expanding awareness within companies
- More Through PSI (statistician in the pharmaceutical industry) contacts
- Volunteers required for: 2025: 3 x series of CAMIS workshops
- Introduction to CAMIS project /how to use it contribute
- Key findings of CAMIS project
- How do you do comparisons in software.
- Other organizations, ASA /OpenStatsWare, EFSPI will be covered through PSI, RinPharma (hosting services YouTube), ISBC -Aug Basel Yannick offered to submit abstract & present on our behalf.
ACTION: Lyn to send latest version of slides: & load to website.
- Expand awareness to university contacts. Michael Kane can provide introductions through R medicine. Will raise at next meeting to see if we can find an interested professor. There is a desire for students to want projects in pharma topics (master students) -- especially regulatory. We are happy to offer presentations/ workshops to anything they want. (Stephen Waugh could present his experience?)
If anyone can attend to represent us let us know, we can help with abstracts / slides.
- posit::conf(2025)** Get the full details on [the blog post](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/info.posit.co/NzA5LU5YTi03MDYAAAGX8BSQdqgtSXVvlxo3uOEKf6cyZbztuQua15w8xXZxe1apl5i8EF9CsQLDaXVdqYXWvjSHzLo=__;!!GfteaDio!aUG_6o_VjPNuaS8HtZgYUS61J7SQrYdKV_-mpyMEkGutGnBN9WATMv9lIk5MflS0BofTiViRryNVUD4_9A$). Closes 3^rd^ Feb. Talks are 20 minutes long \'pharma stream\' and will be delivered in person in Atlanta on September 17 or 18 **Volunteers..**
- PHUSE -- SDEs / Conferences..... Volunteers..
- **PHUSE US connect:** [PHUSE US Connect 2025 \| CDISC](https://www.cdisc.org/events/education/external-events/2025/03/phuse-us-connect-2025) 16^th^-19^th^ March.. Lyn to send content to Mike????
- ISBC Feb 14^th^, Yannick will submit abstract
- PharmaSUg conference **Volunteers..**
- R medicine Volunteers. (Michael kane will be going). Vitual (Chi?)
- R in Pharma Volunteers.
- PSI Conference -- we have 2 talks.
Improving social media frequency
Blogs to summarise What are the latest repo updates, how do we showcase this on the website? Or by blogs (but how do people get made aware of them)!!!.
ACTION: Lyn to speak Harshil. Focused Role just to write Monthly blogs. – Bring in extra person to help if needed.
Improving Technical back end
When lyn tested new posit workbench method. Can do demo & give access to frequent contributors who struggle with package control using renv / rendering.
- Christina & Michael Walsh will update us at a later meeting. (Eg. PRs with dummy website views)
- Strategy for how to make Comparison pages more stable with respect to R version changes
- Possibility to include checks which run the code & check for change
Key Topics to update MMRM (Stephen Waugh), CMH (lyn), Sample size (Agnieszka & Andisheh & Molly), re-organize logistic regression (Lyn/Chi), reference based multiple imputation (Yannick), Miriam (Generalized MMRM)**
Highlights of key content that has been updated & Summary of findings.
Coin package: Martin PPD to edit Wilcoxon signed rank Lyn let agnieska know. Stephen McCawille – propensity scores restriction on SAS so used R: to talk to christina.