Get Involved

How to get involved

CAMIS is a community effort. Although this project does have a core team, the endeavor of tracking all these comparisons will fail without community contributions. We appreciate all contributions, big or small!

You can get involved in the following ways:

  • join our monthly online meetings
  • report a difference or request a new method by filing an issue
  • contribute to our documentation

How to contribute to the documentation

Please contribute by submitting a pull request (PR) and our team will review it.

Adding a new page

If you are adding a new page, please follow our template guideline: R template

Good documentation on data, methods are very much appreciated!

First-time contributors

Welcome to CAMIS! Please read this article: Get started, which contains some useful information to help you navigate your first PR submission.

Asking for help

If you need any assistance with setting up your workspace, do not hesitate to contact @DrLynTaylor, @statasaurus and @andreaczhang!