General meeting updates
Agenda & Minutes
Volunteers needed for
CI for props section (See r page).
any R packages that can do CI for matched 2 proportions using wilson or normal approximation methods.
any R packages that can do CI for unmatched 2 proportions using newcombe (or wilson method)
(Stephen M suggested: https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/DescTools/html/BinomDiffCI.html and https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/presize/presize.pdf
ACTION: Lyn to investigate & write up.
NOTE: logistic regression will be updated soon to include Multiple treatment contrasts.
Conference planning See latest Conference Tab on website (lyn updated today but needs PR approving)
- posit::conf(2025) deadline 3rd Feb in person atlanta
- PHUSE US connect 16th-19th march. lyn to send content to Hamming Tu (Vikash attending) Lyn to CC vikash let Hamming know you are going. Vikash & Hamming to discuss any presenting plan for CAMIS
- ISBC 14th Feb submission deadline. Yannick submitting abstract
- Any others? Please add to the page
Communication team update (Vikash & Molly)
Blog ideas
latest repo updates (CI for Props)
Key interesting findings
Molly will maintain conferences tab going forward
Content updates
Anyone with any questions about what they are working on or how to assign themselves?MMRM (stephen waugh)
CMH (Lyn)
Sample size (agnieska)
Reference based MI (Yannick)
Generalized (binomial & multi-nom?) MMRM (Miriam)
Wilcoxon signed rank coin package - Martin
Propensity scores restriction on SAS vs R (Stephen McCawille & Christina)
Objective to get more regulatory input - ongoing
Work with PSI AIMS as they plan a EMA regulatory panel discussion on R Any other ideas?
FDA/ Other regulators input/discussion.Think about white paper.. on robustness of results and finding local minima in convergence that are actually issues?….
University contacts - ongoing
Christina has a new student looking for CAMIS project
Michael Kane : R medicine
Yannick may have a intern in summer 8-10 weeks CAMIS research
Stephen W doing MSc dissertation project on MMRM
Technical back end improvements - ongoing
CAMIS- 3 x workshops - ongoing
Introduction to CAMIS project / how to contribute - Christina.
Key findings of CAMIS project - Lyn
How do you do comparisons in software
ACTION :Lyn to ask Orla if she can update renv for Yannicks PR. (And also explain how to do it so others can do it in future).