White Paper, Website, Launch Plan


April 17, 2023


attendees 17_apr_2023
Aiming Yang Yes
Ben Arancibia No
Brian Varney Yes
Christina Fillmore Yes
Chelsea Dickens No
Chi Zhang No
Clara Beck No
Aditee Dani Yes
Doug Kelkoff Yes
Dhvani Patel No
Filip Kabaj No
Harshal Khanolkar Yes
Iris Wu No
Jayashree Vedanayagam Yes
Joe Rickert Yes
Kyle Lee Yes
Leon Shi No
Lily Hsieh Yes
Lyn Taylor Yes
Martin Brown Yes
Mia Qi Yes
Michael Kane No
Michael Rimler Yes
Mike Stackhouse No
Min-Hua Jen Yes
Molly MacDiarmid Yes
Mona Mehraj No
Paula Rowley No
Soma Sekhar Sriadibhatla No
Vandana Yadav No
Vidya Gopal No
Vikash Jain No
Wilmar Igl No
Orla Doyle No


  • White paper - Lyn/Min-Hua
  • Logo - All - voting!
  • Website progress - Christina
  • Launch Plan - Lyn
  • CAMIS-ONCO - Soma Sekhar
  • Volunteer Open Roles
  • Conference Attendance
  • AOB

Meeting minutes

White Paper Update: Min-Hua PHUSE are doing technical review so hopefully will come back shortly with any comments. I reminded them last week. Has been reviewed by leads team, now with steering committee ( Final review team), so hopefully not much longer.

LOGO: Lyn - By a small majority the preferred option was the calculator without the P<0.05 in it. This will now be redrawn & finalized. ACTION: Lyn will update website when image available. Will save under CAMIS/images so you can use for any posters/ presentations.

Website progress: Christina **All - review of progress & answer any questions

Survival - Mia has made great progress on survival, Christina and Lyn to help fix branch issue & then will get it pushed to the live site.

ACTION : Lyn to Create a video of creating a branch / doing updates. push/pull - github pull request. Create a FAQ doc for the website.

Launch Plan

  • Align launch of website with release of white paper. Blog writing & “Video” launch - Lyn to write & distribute for review

  • Once content created reach out to the following to help advertise

    • PSI /EFSPI (Martin),

    • R Consortium / PHUSE / RSS (Lyn)

    • IASCT (Harshal)

    • ASA (Min-hua may have contact or See if Ben has a contact- ACTION christina to check with ben then get back to Min-hua. Lily Hsieh to ask Leon as he’s part of ASA. Aiming can also reach out to a contact to see she has a contact )

    • Others : TBC

CAMIS- ONCO: Soma Sekhar

Plans are in progress

Review of volunteer open roles Still looking for volunteers to do: - Co-ordinator for conference material - share standard slides/ content /abstracts /posters - Social media rep - to co-ordinate posts (linkedIn/Twitter) - Volunteers to represent CAMIS at various conferences

Conferences All to let Lyn know or update the conferences qmd if you want to attend and represent/advertise camis