White Paper, Website, Launch Plan
- White paper - Lyn/Min-Hua
- Logo - All - voting!
- Website progress - Christina
- Launch Plan - Lyn
- CAMIS-ONCO - Soma Sekhar
- Volunteer Open Roles
- Conference Attendance
Meeting minutes
White Paper Update: Min-Hua PHUSE are doing technical review so hopefully will come back shortly with any comments. I reminded them last week. Has been reviewed by leads team, now with steering committee ( Final review team), so hopefully not much longer.
LOGO: Lyn - By a small majority the preferred option was the calculator without the P<0.05 in it. This will now be redrawn & finalized. ACTION: Lyn will update website when image available. Will save under CAMIS/images so you can use for any posters/ presentations.
Website progress: Christina **All - review of progress & answer any questions
Survival - Mia has made great progress on survival, Christina and Lyn to help fix branch issue & then will get it pushed to the live site.
ACTION : Lyn to Create a video of creating a branch / doing updates. push/pull - github pull request. Create a FAQ doc for the website.
Launch Plan
Align launch of website with release of white paper. Blog writing & “Video” launch - Lyn to write & distribute for review
Once content created reach out to the following to help advertise
PSI /EFSPI (Martin),
R Consortium / PHUSE / RSS (Lyn)
IASCT (Harshal)
ASA (Min-hua may have contact or See if Ben has a contact- ACTION christina to check with ben then get back to Min-hua. Lily Hsieh to ask Leon as he’s part of ASA. Aiming can also reach out to a contact to see she has a contact )
Others : TBC
CAMIS- ONCO: Soma Sekhar
Plans are in progress
Review of volunteer open roles Still looking for volunteers to do: - Co-ordinator for conference material - share standard slides/ content /abstracts /posters - Social media rep - to co-ordinate posts (linkedIn/Twitter) - Volunteers to represent CAMIS at various conferences
Conferences All to let Lyn know or update the conferences qmd if you want to attend and represent/advertise camis