Two Sample t-test

Two Sample t-test in R

The Two Sample t-test is used to compare two independent samples against each other. In the Two Sample t-test, the mean of the first sample is compared against the mean of the second sample. In R, a Two Sample t-test can be performed using the Base R t.test() function from the stats package or the proc_ttest() function from the procs package.

Data Used

The following data was used in this example.

# Create sample data
d1 <- tibble::tribble(
  ~trt_grp, ~WtGain,
  "placebo",    94, "placebo",  12, "placebo",  26, "placebo",  89,
  "placebo",    88, "placebo",  96, "placebo",  85, "placebo",  130,
  "placebo",    75, "placebo",  54, "placebo",  112, "placebo", 69,
  "placebo",    104, "placebo", 95, "placebo",  53, "placebo",  21,
  "treatment",  45, "treatment",    62, "treatment",    96, "treatment",    128,
  "treatment",  120, "treatment",   99, "treatment",    28, "treatment",    50,
  "treatment",  109, "treatment",   115, "treatment",   39, "treatment",    96,
  "treatment",  87, "treatment",    100, "treatment",   76, "treatment",    80

Base R

If we have normalized data, we can use the classic Student’s t-test. For a Two sample test where the variances are not equal, we should use the Welch’s t-test. Both of those options are available with the Base R t.test() function.

Student’s T-Test


The following code was used to test the comparison in Base R. By default, the R two sample t-test function assumes the variances in the data are unequal, and uses a Welch’s t-test. Therefore, to use a classic Student’s t-test with normalized data, we must specify var.equal = TRUE. Also note that we must separate the single variable into two variables to satisfy the t.test() syntax and set paired = FALSE.

  d1p <- dplyr::filter(d1, trt_grp == 'placebo')
  d1t <- dplyr::filter(d1, trt_grp == 'treatment')

  # Perform t-test
  t.test(d1p$WtGain, d1t$WtGain, 
       var.equal = TRUE, paired = FALSE)

    Two Sample t-test

data:  d1p$WtGain and d1t$WtGain
t = -0.6969, df = 30, p-value = 0.4912
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -31.19842  15.32342
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
  75.1875   83.1250 

Welch’s T-Test


The following code was used to test the comparison in Base R using Welch’s t-test. Observe that in this case, the var.equal parameter is set to FALSE.

  d1p <- dplyr::filter(d1, trt_grp == 'placebo')
  d1t <- dplyr::filter(d1, trt_grp == 'treatment')

  # Perform t-test
  t.test(d1p$WtGain, d1t$WtGain, 
       var.equal = FALSE, paired = FALSE)

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  d1p$WtGain and d1t$WtGain
t = -0.6969, df = 29.694, p-value = 0.4913
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -31.20849  15.33349
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
  75.1875   83.1250 

Procs Package

Student’s T-Test and Welch’s T-Test


The following code from the procs package was used to perform a two sample t-test. Note that the proc_ttest() function performs both the Student’s t-test and Welch’s (Satterthwaite) t-test in the same call. The results are displayed on separate rows. This output is similar to SAS.


  # Perform t-test
  proc_ttest(d1, var = WtGain,
             class = trt_grp)
     VAR      CLASS        METHOD  N    MEAN      STD    STDERR MIN MAX
1 WtGain    placebo          <NA> 16 75.1875 33.81167  8.452918  12 130
2 WtGain  treatment          <NA> 16 83.1250 30.53495  7.633738  28 128
3 WtGain Diff (1-2)        Pooled NA -7.9375       NA 11.389723  NA  NA
4 WtGain Diff (1-2) Satterthwaite NA -7.9375       NA 11.389723  NA  NA

     VAR      CLASS        METHOD    MEAN      LCLM     UCLM      STD  LCLMSTD
1 WtGain    placebo          <NA> 75.1875  57.17053 93.20447 33.81167 24.97685
2 WtGain  treatment          <NA> 83.1250  66.85407 99.39593 30.53495 22.55632
3 WtGain Diff (1-2)        Pooled -7.9375 -31.19842 15.32342       NA       NA
4 WtGain Diff (1-2) Satterthwaite -7.9375 -31.20849 15.33349       NA       NA
1 52.33003
2 47.25868
3       NA
4       NA

     VAR        METHOD VARIANCES       DF          T     PROBT
1 WtGain        Pooled     Equal 30.00000 -0.6969002 0.4912306
2 WtGain Satterthwaite   Unequal 29.69359 -0.6969002 0.4912856

1 WtGain Folded F  15  15 1.226136 0.6980614

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