Estimating and Testing Cause Specific Hazard Ratio Using SAS


In this document we present how to estimate and test cause specific hazard ratio for the probability of experiencing a certain event at a given time in a competing risks model in SAS (version 9.4). We focus on the basic model where each subject experiences only one out of k possible events as depicted in the figure below.

As this document aims to provide syntax for estimating and testing cause-specific hazard ratios using Cox’s PH model for competing risks, we assume that readers have working knowledge of a competing risks framework. The Reference below list a few literature for a quick refresher on this topic.

The syntax given here produce results match that by R package survival, in particular with function coxph() (see the companion R document). This is usually necessary if validating results from the two software is the objective.

SAS procedure

We use PROC PHREG in this document.

Data used

The bone marrow transplant (BTM) dataset as presented by Guo & So (2018) is used. The dataset has the following variables:

  • Group has three levels, indicating three disease groups.

  • T is the disease-free survival time in days. A derived variable TYears = T/365.25 is used in the analysis.

  • Status has value 0 if T is censored; 1 if T is time to relapse; 2 if T is time to death.

  • WaitTime is the waiting time to transplant in days.

  • For illustration, a categorical variable waitCat is created from waitTime as waitCat = TRUE if waitTime > 200, and FALSE otherwise.

proc format;
  value DiseaseGroup 1='ALL'
                     2='AML-Low Risk'
                     3='AML-High Risk';
  value EventStatus  0='Censored'
libname datalib "..\data";
data bmt;
  set datalib.bmt;
  TYears = T / 365.25;
  waitCat = (waitTime>200);
  ID = _n_;
  format Group DiseaseGroup.;
  format Status EventStatus.;

Estimating and testing the cause specific hazard ratio

Syntax 1: all events in one go

Starting in SAS/STAT 14.3, all competing events can be estimated together. However, currently this syntax does not allow the strata statement.

proc phreg data=Bmt;
    title 'Cause-Specific Hazard Regression for Relapse and Death without strata';
    class Group (order=internal ref=first);
    model T*Status(0)=Group / eventcode(cox)=1;

The results for both events are given below:

Three points to note:

  1. The option eventcode(cox)=1 tells PHREG that Relapse (event 1) is the event of interest, and Death (event 2) is the competing risk.

  2. This results are essentially the same as modeling Relapse and Death separately: there are two global hypotheses, one for each event.

  3. This is different from fitting all events in one model that is done in R coxph(). In other words, this is entirely a different model from what R does when modeling all competing events together. (See Syntax 1 in the Companion R document.)

  4. Additionally, since strata statement cannot be incorporated, the results for each event are different from that produced by Syntax 1 in the R document.

For more information, please see Guo C and So Y. (2018).

Syntax 2: Estimating one event at a time

We use Relapse as an example.

ods output ParameterEstimates=p1;
proc phreg data=bmt; 
  title 'Cause-Specific Hazard Regression for Relapse with strata';
    class Group (order=internal ref=first) waitCat;
    strata waitCat;
    model TYears*Status(0,2) = Group / risklimits alpha = 0.05;

The results for event Relapse are given below:

Note that if there is no stratification, the results will be the same as from Syntax 1 above but for Relapse only.


  • In PROC PHREG, by default Breslow’s method is used for handling ties. To match the default results with R survival::coxph() which uses Efron’s method, this needs to be requested via ties = efron option in the model statement.

  • For multi-state models such as a competing risk analysis, the R function survival::coxph() by default estimate the standard errors of parameter estimates with a robust sandwich estimator. To match results with R, the option covsandwich or covs for short, need to be added to the proc phreg statement.

  • Due to the different internal numerical estimation methods of R and SAS, results only match up to the 4th decimal places. However, overall consistency can be established between the two for estimating and testing cause-specific hazard ratio using Cox’s PH model.


Guo C and So Y. (2018). “Cause-specific analysis of competing risks using the PHREG procedure.” In Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2018 Conference. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.

Pintilie M. (2006). Competing Risks: A Practical Perspective. Wiley.

Therneau T, Crowson C, and Atkinson E. (2024). “Multi-state models and competing risks.”